Tuesday, February 28, 2017

And so the journey begins..

Hello everyone! Welcome to our new blog "Embracing our Life Journey"! Thanks for subscribing and joining us here as we share with you this new season that our family is in. For now, I'll give a short summary as to what The Auyeung Family is up to right now. We are traveling for the next month to see the wonderful beauty of God's creation. We are road-tripping it with our trusty Odyssey van and our new travel trailer which our girls named "Chopstick". There is so much more to this story of how we got to this point which I will share later in another blog post. But for now, feel free to subscribe to our blog for updates! We will also be posting short snippets on our new Instagram account @embracingourlifejourney. Come join us as we embrace this new season of our life journey that God has been unfolding for us.

Trusty Odyssey towing our trailer "Chopstick"


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Terry! Miss you and hope you're doing well! Thanks for reading!

  2. I hope your journey is a great one. Blogs confuse me so, I don't know how to sign up. Be safe! xoxo

    1. Thanks for your well wishes Sandy! I like your comment about "blogs confuse me", made me laugh!

  3. How exciting!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!

  4. This is so exciting! What an awesome way to bond with your family, and an adventure you will never forget! Soak up every moment.

    1. Thanks Carrie! We are definitely soaking up every moment!

  5. Wow! this sounds wonderful. I will be interested to follow your journey. These trailers are great! When you get back home, we would love for you to join us as we camp with Karen and Mikayla in her trailer, (If you aren't tired of the trailer.) Most of the time we only drive a little more than an hour away. The beauty and quiet of the redwoods and the relaxing affect of a campfire area wonderful relief after the hectic pace of the bay area.

    1. Cathy Cooper! It's so good to hear from you and thanks for following us on our journey! Yes, we would love to take you up on the offer of camping with you, Karen, and Mikayla! We love camping! I'm already researching where to camp with our trailer that's not too far from where we live in the Bay Area!

  6. Best camping for families: Mt Madonna County Park just off Hecker Pass Rd, on Pole Line Road. It is close enough to Gilroy Gardens for an afternoon outing. It is just a little over an hour away from the Bay Area. We love it there. I'll text when we know our dates for camping.
