Living in Silicon Valley and the hustle and bustle of just regular life in the Bay can be exhilarating and exciting at times. However, there have been more moments as I get older and having lived in the Bay for a long time, it’s hard to step out of the “Bay Bubble” and slow down. When you’re running and going at such a fast pace, it’s hard to notice and enjoy the little things that God has placed in your life. When you’re in an environment where it’s so easy to “control” every little aspect of your life, it’s hard to let go and let God into your life. I know that this perspective or reflection may not be true for everyone but I wonder if it resonates with some people.
Having been out on the road for awhile now and out of the environment that we live in, I have come to realize how important it is to intentionally make time to slow down. I don’t mean just waiting for the weekends or vacation times but purposely carving out time in each day to slow down. When I say “slow down”, I don’t mean spending time on my phone, TV or on the computer browsing my good ole favorites of Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, watching “This is Us” or even online shopping or reading blogs (just saying these are my crutches ya’ll). What I mean is finding things that give me life and that fills my soul.
Being out here on the road and in the midst of God’s creation has made me slow down and take a deep breath. It’s slowly helped me see the beauty in the little things such as sunsets. Living in the Bay, it’s hard to notice and enjoy the sunsets because I’m either in a car, inside a place, or in the house making dinner. But out here in the wilderness of His creation, in the vast open sky, the sunset captures your attention. The colors, the beauty, and the time it takes for the sun to set is just amazing. Sitting to enjoy the sunset has been and is one of the things that gives me life and fills my soul. It slows me down because in that moment, all I am doing is watching the sun set in the sky. Such simplicity.